We can only ship to anywhere in Malaysia and Singapore. We do not deal with any other transactions outside these two countries.
2. How much is the postage to my country?
It depends on the courier types you would like to prefer. We offer two kinds of courier services available to suit your needs.
Pos Laju
Semenanjung Malaysia – RM3, 3 to 5 days
Sabah and Sarawak – RM5, 5 to 7 days
Singapore – SGD9, 5 to 7 days
City Link
West Malaysia – RM9 to RM12, 1 to 2 days
East Malaysia – RM 12 to RM15, 1 to 2 days
Singapore – SGD 20, 1 to 2 days
3. How do we order?
Order can be made easily by few ways. E-mail us at perfectfashion2u@gmail.com, SMS us or mail us at FaceBook at perfectfashion2u@gmail.com. Please include the following details when ordering;
Full Name
Full Address
Contact Number (optional)
Item Code
Color of Choice
We will then confirm with you about the availability of the item of your choice, the total price including postal charge, payment type and the estimated time of arrival of the item. A total of 3 days will be provided after time of confirmation in order to make payment to us, or the reservation of that item will be canceled and are available for order for other people. We serve customers on first come first serve basis. Once payment is made, please confirm with us the details of your payment. Item will be delivered to you on the day based on the courier service of your choice.
4. What are the payment methods available?
For Cash Payment:
We do provide cash payment methods for both Malaysians and Singaporeans customers to make payment. You can either pay through Cash Deposit Machine, ATM or Online Fund Transfer. Our bank details will be provided to you when we are confirming your order.
For Credit Card Payment:
All online payments are processed in Malaysia Ringgit only. If you would like to pay by Credit Card, please fill in the information required.
Payment Notification
Once transaction has been made, please inform us either by e-mail, SMS or FaceBook. You are needed to key in the order number, total paid (RM) and payment date only.
5. May I ask for a refund or change in my order?
Goods sold are not refundable. All of our products are checked before delivery and we are committed to ensure that our products will be delivered to you in the best condition. However, we hold no responsibility for items damaged during delivery.
Please notify us within 3 days upon receiving your good should you receive any incorrect item ONLY. We will arrange an exchange for you.
Requests for exchange due to size and color will not be tolerated. Kindly make orders only after knowing well your own measurements and colors provided on the website.
6. My questions are not answered here! Where can I refer to?
You can contact us at our e-mail, perfectfashion2u@gmail.com or at FaceBook, perfectfashion2u@gmail.com provided you have added us and we have accepted your friend request. We only process e-mails once per day so kindly wait for your reply.
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